Diabetes is a chronic condition that can affect anyone. In fact, it is one of the most common conditions, affecting approximately 422 million people worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. Although it’s so prominent, many people do not know much about this condition, particularly how nutrition plays a major role in either avoiding or developing it. At The Care Clinic, we want to ensure you have the facts. So, in this post, we want to help you understand the importance of nutrition surrounding diabetes.
What is Diabetes?
Let’s start by looking at what this condition actually is, so that we can have a better appreciation of how nutrition is involved.
Diabetes, according to the CDC, is a chronic (long-term) illness that affects how the body turns food into energy. When you eat, the majority of it gets broken down into sugar and is released into your bloodstream for the body to use as energy. When a person is diagnosed with diabetes, it means the sugar is not being used by the body because of an insulin issue. So that means there is too much within the bloodstream.
Diabetes and Nutrition
Now that we’ve established that people who have diabetes have too much sugar in their blood, you should have a slight idea as to why nutrition is so important in diabetes. Let’s delve a bit deeper!
Nutrition Habits that Cause Diabetes
These foods are known for turning into the sugar we need to fuel our bodies, but if you eat too much, then it can lead to type II diabetes.
- processed carbohydrates
- Sugary foods and drinks
- saturated and trans fats
- processed meats
Preventing Diabetes with Proper Nutrition
Eating healthily is the primary means of preventing the onset of type II diabetes. This preventative measure is especially essential if you have family members with the condition, as it means you are predisposed.
So, to begin your nutritive journey to speak to your healthcare provider or a nutrition specialist. We will help you to create a personalized realistic meal plan that is healthy and still gives you an opportunity to enjoy treats.
Managing Diabetes with Proper Nutrition
Similar to preventing diabetes, we will guide you in starting and sticking to a properly balanced diet that provides you with all the nutritive value you need to sustain your body and combat diabetes. Proper nutrition helps keep your blood sugar in the target range.
In the meantime, here are some general tips:
- Choose nonfat or reduced-fat options. Choose healthy fats from fish, avocado, nuts, flax seeds, or olive oil.
- Have fresh fruits and juices rather than canned fruits and juices. Do the same for vegetables.
- Eat less processed meats and foods. Instead, opt for chicken, fish, turkey, and shellfish.
- Use natural sources of sugar, like honey (still use in small amounts).
- Choose low salt or no salt options, and use only a tiny amount when cooking.
- Eat high-fiber cereals and bread formulated from whole grain ingredients
Now that you understand the role of nutrition in diabetes prevention and management, we encourage you to take nutrition seriously when preventing or managing diabetes, as it is the primary contributor to the development of this condition. You should note that not properly managing diabetes will lead to multiple complications, including loss of or reduced vision, kidney disease, blood vessel, and nerve damage, and heart disease.
If you have further questions or would like to come and start talking about your health, feel free to contact us, we are always available and ready to help you become the healthiest version of yourself possible.
CDC. (2020, March 11). What is diabetes? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/basics/diabetes.html
Family doctor. (1999, March). Diabetes and Nutrition – familydoctor.org. Familydoctor.org. https://familydoctor.org/diabetes-and-nutrition/
World Health Organization: WHO. (2019, May 13). Diabetes. Who.int; World Health Organization: WHO. https://www.who.int/health-topics/diabetes#tab=tab_1